Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolution

We are in the year 2012 now. Yeehee..That kinda reminds me of the mega movie “2012” that predicted the world is gonna come to an end in 2012. There are people who believe the prediction will come true and there are people (majority I guess) who don’t believe in that crap. Either way, when it comes to belief, it’s hard to deny it or approve it. It’s all up to individuals.

Anyways, every year people will come up with their own resolutions in the hope to become a better person. Maybe that sounds corny and lame. I never had a New Year's resolution before because I believe that in order to become a better person, it does not take a new year for us to make a resolution. You can have a resolution after your birthday or maybe after your graduation day. But this year, I have thought through about my resolution. I think it’s time for me to do something different in my life. For your information, I will graduate from my degree early next year. So, that makes me thinking about what I should do next after graduating. Probably I should go looking for a job or maybe continue my study in upper level. So, this year, my resolutions are: I will not take everything for granted again. I will be more serious in handling problems. I’m also gonna be nice to all people regardless of their beauty, sex, race and religion. That’s the three resolutions I made. I know it’s lame, cheesy but who cares. It’s my resolutions, not yours. Hehe and I hope I will stick to that throughout this year. I know it’s hard for us to stick to our resolution. I mean, c’mon, we barely keep our promise for a day let alone a year. So, here I’m gonna write some tips to keep our resolutions and change our life for the better.
There are ten tips for you so that you’ll still be going strong on your 2012 New Year’s resolutions come May, July and November.

1. Make It A Goal

Make sure your resolution is something that you think is achievable that you know when you’ve met a goal.

2. Be Specific

Be direct and specific with your resolution. Don’t be vague! A goal to lose weight is vague. For example if you want to lose some weight this year, make sure you have specific plans on how you are gonna achieve that. Maybe your goal might be to eat small, healthy meals and do cardio for an hour a day. That’s good enough.

3. Write It Down

Make sure your resolutions are listed down on a paper or maybe in your phone where you can see that everyday.

4. Break It Into Actionable Steps

You must divide your goal into small actionable steps so that you won’t burden yourself later. Step-by-step actions are better than one big fat action that seems impossible to achieve.

5. Be Realistic

You must set your goals realistically so that you might not feel falling off the wagon before the ride gets started.

6. Share Your Resolution

Sharing is caring. That’s lame but it does work peeps. By sharing your dreams and desires with friends and family you hold yourself accountable and ensure you breath life into your goals.

7. Keep Visual Reminders

Hanging a note on your bathroom mirror or on the wall beside your computer will definitely remind you of your resolutions.

8. Visualize The End Results

Then, try to stay focus on the outcome which eventually can give you the motivation to get started.
9. Reward Yourself
Find small ways to reward yourself when you go a certain amount of time maintaining your resolution or meet a goal.
10. Stay Positive
Be positive and smile all the time. Stress does not help you achieve your goal. Yeehee J

#Most of the information can be found on this website below:
10 Tips To Keep Your New Years Resolution In 2012

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