Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today is the first day of 2012 and I have made a decision to do a blog after I was insisted by all of my friends. I’m kidding..Actually it was my whole idea to become a blogger because I like to talk some bullshits on Twitter (I won’t tell you my username on Twitter because I don’t want my friends to find out about this blog..It’s a secret I’ll never tell. Wait until I reach 10000 viewers than I’ll and I like to complain technically about everything in my life (That’s a part of being a blogger right? Hehe).. It’s not that I hate my life but, I just don’t think I have a good things going on in my life right now..OK..I pretty much hate it. There you go, I admit it. I used to have a blog but due to some reasons I removed because I received a lot of hate comments after one entry I posted (sounds fishy right guys? But I won’t tell you about the entry that made me removed my blog entirely. It was in the past. I tried to forget about it). But, right now I’d like to introduce myself in this Blogging world again by writing up something more fun than my life (I’m not gonna talk about my misery life just yet. Well, maybe later)..Thanx a lot for visiting my blog. I really appreciate it. Do visit again I hope. Happy New Year.May God Bless US all..Yeehee!!

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