Saturday, December 31, 2011

Countdowns 2011

Let’s begin (keep reading yo). I’m gonna do some countdowns..”Wait, wasn’t the New Year countdown over?” STFU..Relax, I’m not gonna do that shit..What I will do is I will list down the top 5 of my favorite movies, songs, TV shows, actors, actress, singers, music videos and last but not least, my favorite Youtube videos of the year 2011. Pretty amazing right? I know I am..OK.don’t hate me just yet..I’m not that cocky like my friends always said to me. I’m usually charming, nice, and well matured. OK those who really know me, they must be laughing their ass off right now..haha..Enough about this crap..Without further ado, let the countdown begins...

Favourite movies of 2011:

5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
“I’m not really a huge fan of Harry Potter, but this final movie had successfully shown its finest performances (credits to Alan Rickman) with nonstop action with a bit of comic relief during the intense parts. Did you remember how Mrs. Weasley battled Bellatrix? It was awesome right as this movie wrapped up the series nicely.
4. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
It surprised me how the movie came out. It was really good with the amazing visual effects of photo-realistic apes and its compelling story of hyper-intelligent chimp. If I own a cat one day, I’d like to name him Caesar.hehe
3. Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol
This latest instalment of Tom Cruise’s famous spy series was no doubt the best since the first one.  It was filled with action from the beginning in the jail cells till the end in India.  It had all the twists you’d expect for in a spy thriller. Plus, Tom Cruise is awesome and on the top of his game. With the presence of hilarious Simon Pegg made the movie more awesome.
2. Fast and Furious 5
I still remembered the feeling after watching the movie in the theatre. It was amazing and it’s sort of unusual that the fifth movie in a series would turn out to be as good as the first but that’s exactly what we get with Fast and Furious 5. Great fight scenes and tons of crazy car stunts were undoubtedly some of the best action on the screen so far.
1. Real Steel
At first I was very sceptical about a robot-theme movie but this movie worked far better and played out less ridiculously than you might expected. It’s the scene-stealing Goyo, who you’ll remember once the lights come up in the movie theatre. Mostly, I’ll remember the dance scenes of him with his robot.

Favourite songs of 2011:

5. Selena Gomez - love you like a love song
4. Fun.- we are young
3. David Guetta feat Usher - Without you
2. Adele - Someone like you
1. Foster the People - Pumped up kicks

Favourite TV shows of 2011:

5. Raising Hope
How can we not adore baby Hope..
4. How I met your mother
There are a lot of mysteries in the latest season. Who exactly is the mother? (Obviously), Will Barney marry Robin? How will the baby change the Eriksens? But I must say, the show is getting boring week by week.
3. Glee
This season, the show concentrates on different characters other than Rachael and Kurt which is a good thing. Now, we can see how talented Mike Chang and Santana are.
2. Two and a half men
As a new main cast, I think Ashton plays his character very well.  I get the same amount of laugh as I get with Charlie.
1.  The walking dead
The show packs with a lot of drama, action and surprise filled with a gang of zombies that will kill human at first sight. Interesting plot too.

Favourite actors of 2011:

5. Robert Downey Jr.
4. Johnny Depp
3. Adam Sandler
2. Tom Cruise
1. James franco

Favourite actresses of 2011:

5. Paula Patton
4. Mila Kunis
3. Angelina Jolie
2. Scarlett Johansson
1. Emma Watson 

Favourite male singers/bands of 2011:

5. 30 seconds to mars
4. Coldplay
3. Foster the people
2. Usher
1. Bruno Mars

Favourite female singers of 2011:

5. Taylor Swift
4. Rihanna
3. Lady Gaga
2. Katy Perry
1. Adele

Favourite music videos of 2011:

5. Foster the people- call it what you want
4. Selena Gomez-love you like a love song
3. Katy Perry-The one that got away
2. Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)
1. LMFAO – Party Rock Anthem ft. Lauren Bennett

Favourite Youtube videos of 2011:

5. Cat mom hugs baby kitten
Next time, when I own some cats I’ll definitely upload the video to Youtube.
4. Jack Sparrow (feat Michael Bolton)
Video by “The Lonely Island” that receives a ton of hits on YouTube.
 3. Look at me now-Cover by Karmin
It’s amazing to watch a white girl can pull off that song very well.
2. Rebecca Black-Friday
Well, without her this list won’t be valid and complete right..haha.Admit it..You must have watched her video more than one time right..
1. Talking twin babies
These twin babies show us that not everyone has to speak the same language to have a great time. They are so cute. That made me thinking to have twins too..hehe

OK.THESE WERE JUST MY CHOICES. Do you agree with them or not? Well, we don't always agree on things like our favourite movie or songs.  But there were my personal favourites of 2011 that I unanimously love. Maybe your personal favourites made the list or maybe there were a few that may surprise. So, I hope you guys have a good 2012 year. May God Bless Us ALL. Yeehee.....


Today is the first day of 2012 and I have made a decision to do a blog after I was insisted by all of my friends. I’m kidding..Actually it was my whole idea to become a blogger because I like to talk some bullshits on Twitter (I won’t tell you my username on Twitter because I don’t want my friends to find out about this blog..It’s a secret I’ll never tell. Wait until I reach 10000 viewers than I’ll and I like to complain technically about everything in my life (That’s a part of being a blogger right? Hehe).. It’s not that I hate my life but, I just don’t think I have a good things going on in my life right now..OK..I pretty much hate it. There you go, I admit it. I used to have a blog but due to some reasons I removed because I received a lot of hate comments after one entry I posted (sounds fishy right guys? But I won’t tell you about the entry that made me removed my blog entirely. It was in the past. I tried to forget about it). But, right now I’d like to introduce myself in this Blogging world again by writing up something more fun than my life (I’m not gonna talk about my misery life just yet. Well, maybe later)..Thanx a lot for visiting my blog. I really appreciate it. Do visit again I hope. Happy New Year.May God Bless US all..Yeehee!!